Homemade Nutella

For many years I enjoyed Nutella straight up as a snack, a couple of spoonfuls at a time. But a couple decades ago, I started getting a good idea about nutrition. Then I stopped eating it altogether despite Costco's efforts to sell it to me for a few pennies per spoonful! Look at the label: Two tablespoonfuls is a small snack, but it's loaded in sugar and saturated fat. Bye! As I started having more time in my hands (retirement, and winter in Reno, NV helps,) I found many recipes for homemade nutella. After a few tries, the one below is my favorite; healthy and easy to make. The engineer in me would say that this recipe is 90% healthier than the real thing, and 90% as good as the real thing. Go for it as follows: 1.5 cup hazelnuts (I get mine from Trader Joe's) 0.5 can (200 grams) cannellini beans, rinsed 5 tbs natural unsweetened cacao powder 4 stevia packets (optional for extra sweetness) 15 dates softened in warm water for about 15 minutes 1 cup warm oat milk (any milk) ...